- PDB IDs from the PDB
- PDB files in .pdb format
- Custom files in .pdb format
Input and search tool
- Protein-ligand interactions (default)
- DNA/RNA-ligand interactions (NEW)
- Interactions within one chain (NEW)
Detectable interactions
Treat DNA/RNA as receptor
- Atom-level binding characterisation
- Parsable output files
- Publication-ready visualizations
Output and downloadable results
Using PLIP in your work? Please cite: Adasme et al. PLIP 2021: expanding the scope of the protein-ligand interaction profiler to DNA and RNA. NAR 2021
Disclaimer and Use: The PLIP web service is provided free of charge including commercial use in good faith without guarantees of any kind.
Disclaimer and Use: The PLIP web service is provided free of charge including commercial use in good faith without guarantees of any kind.